(Also Known As)

Nature's Secrets Photography
Photography by DeeLon Merritt

Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Day Worth Every Minute

Oh what a beautiful day for a little trip. And as far as company, well, that was just as sweet, if no more. I was able to take my dear mother and sweet sister along with me on this little trip and enjoyed every bit of it.
We started our day out in hopes of finding animals and all the good things that we could and after a fast start to excitement, things went downhill as far as animals. As we started up Snake River Canyon we came across a mountain goat feeding along the road and managed to get a few shots as it headed back up into the less traveled areas for peace and quiet. These are some very peaceful animals and tolerate things very well but still hate to be in the hustle and bustle of the human world so they prefer a little more solitude and a calmer more relaxed setting. They are relatively small animals and much the size of a domestic goat one would find on the farm, but, they have very long hair to help them in the harsh environments they call home. An off white color helps them blend in the winter to the surrounding and in the summer, spending most of their time on cliffs, they blend in fairly well there too. A real treat to set and watch as they climb, jump, run and play on the rock ledges which they do with grace and style. Truly a spectacle to see as they move up, down, over and around the sheer ledges they have come to rule. A real site worth seeing for anyone interested at all in nature.
Our day continued as we headed for more of a animal area but that was all that wanted to present themselves for us to enjoy today. A small pond of a natural hot spring is home to a large population of tropical fish which have been introduced there from years past when some people put them in from an aquarium they had so the story goes. Larger Gold Fish and several species now call it home and is a very plain looking pond with moss and mud all around but a closer look reveals a fascinating world unknown to these parts. Temperatures dipping to well below zero and these tropical fish flourish in this natural hot spring as if in the amazon or something.
As we made our way around the area in search of photographic moments, little presented itself for us to share but we were able to find a few scenes to capture and the time itself we were able to spend together, a real treat. Enjoying good company sometimes overrides other things and the lack of pictures by far doesn't mean it wasn't a great day anyways. The Tetons were ever changing as small clouds covered the top and then would blow off and leave a trail from the peak out across the sky then releasing it only to allow more to form and the scene repeat time and time again. The clouds would blend with the sky and it would appear as the Grand had turned into a mesa several times today and yet every now and then it would break and reveal the peak still remained atop the rugged mountainside. I have taken so many pictures of these mountains and it never seizes to amaze me the beauty and majestic scene they continually produce every time I take time to look and see what they want to share.
The leaves that are in the other picture, are still hanging from last fall and as I came across them, I felt the softly colored leaves and the darker trunks of the bushes along with the shadows in which the leaves would leave on the snow below, made for a very nice, quiet and soothing scene to just set and take in. One of those not so exciting pictures yet the deeper one looks, the more it yields for thought and enjoyment.
I had a very special time with a couple of very special people and even if the pictures fail to show it, a day well worth remembering and cherishing for time evermore. I enjoyed having the company and sharing a little of "my" world with them as we searched for another set of pictures to share and try to bring the secrets which nature holds to all who find interest, comfort or peace in what nature offers to those who get lured into it's grasp and once there, choose to remain.
As soon as I can set out on another voyage, I will bring you another update and even though the time will not be as fulfilling as this trip, I always look forward to the time I get to spend in awe at the beauty and details that awaits the soul in search of finding.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another Beautiful Day For Pictures

A little late getting this posted as the trip was taken last Friday, but, none the less, I wanted to share it.
Another warm winter day to enjoy out getting fresh air and grabbing a few photos to share. The first two pictures are of a falls a short ride from home and a very beautiful falls year around. Due to lay of the land, one is somewhat limited as to the angles of shot they can get. But even then, it is something to behold. Only about 60 feet high and depending on the time of year, it can produce a raging falls or a little flow cascading down as in these pictures. In the spring, it rumbles as a large quantity of water rushes over the falls on it's way to the river below and thus on to the sea to start the cycle all over. Usually, these falls are all covered in ice from the cold winter temps, but this year, or at this time this year, very little ice cling to the falls and the rock in which the waters flow can be seen shining in the sun.Quite yet powerful, the waters that run over these falls end up flowing into the Snake River at the bottom of the falls and westward as they continue the long changing journey to the sea just to start the whole cycle all over and who knows where the drops will fall on the next journey.
The landscape picture, shows the mountains behind our home (which is in our backyard, not from where this picture was takin'). The tuft of cloud that sort of makes a half ball (center left) sets right over a mountain top we call Baldy due to it's lack of trees. The mountain tops in the background form the big mountain which is part of the divide between Salt River Drainage and the Grey's River drainage looking up Willow Creek canyon.
A short trip but a beautiful day to enjoy being out and about. A warm winter's day that as just great to set and take in some sights in just a t-shirt and pants with no jacket needed. Some call it Indian Summer, others, false spring and there are many names for it besides these,but no matter how you say it, it sure beats the cold below 0 weather and makes for a great break in winter.
I plan to get out again soon and if the weather forecast is correct, it may have to be in a snow storm. Hope not, but if needs be, I guess we'll deal with it. So, check back soon to see what our next adventure unveils and we share some of the scenes we get to enjoy as we search and find "Nature's Secrets".

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hang in there

I'm a bit behind, but hang in there this past photo trip will be shared very soon...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Short Trip Out

What a day this was, the forecast called for storm and bad weather so I put a hold on things. I had planned to take a couple of special people along for a little "out and about" and get some pictures but with the weather being in question, we decided best to wait for better times. As it turned out, I had a vehicle to work on and the day was just beautiful... So I snuck out for a very short time in the afternoon to see if I could get something to share.
As always, deciding where to go is always an issue, sometimes I get lucky, sometimes, well, lets just say it wasn't there. Today was a beautiful day in the sense the sun came out between warm winter day clouds and made for warmer temps in the area, which looking at the forecast will be nice for now.
Anyways, as I started out I headed down the road looking for shots and trying to see where I would want to spend some time. What I had seen earlier while going to work on a vehicle has long gone and snows still hang heavy in the trees and the sun beats down on all the world below as it warms darkened spots and starts the afternoon low clouds that occur when the warmed earth starts to evaporate the moisture and then it cools just above the ground. As warm as it was, the low clouds came and went fast and it was really one of the days you had to be there to see as no camera can really catch this to share because of the constant change which forms the scene. A video camera may be able to catch some of it, however, I left mine home.
As I drove around and took in the sights, there were little I felt I could catch and share so the three pictures are really about it and even though they aren't great, I tried to get something to keep my adventure going. The picture of the low clouds was just one of many I could have taken of things like that, but it just wasn't "appealing" to me today, but I felt I had to have something to share. The one above it, snow on a ledge, reminded me more of a frosting than a snow as the texture and look of the snow made it almost seem "sweet" and soft, but I wasn't going to dive in, I don't need anymore pounds, haha.
The first one, the sun shining through the clouds behind an old homestead, I thought was one of the better shots of the day. I set here for some time looking at this scene and taking a picture now and then as it unfolded. I thought of the folks that used to live there and how many times they had seen such a scene. Did it bring warmth to them as they walked out of their front door or looked out the window only to see such a sight. Did they set in awe just as I was then and watched as the glow from heaven fell down across the country side? True beauty is everywhere and sometimes, we don't have to look to hard to see it. Maybe, it longs to be found and sometimes it just has to do whatever it needs to, to be noticed.
Check back soon for more adventures and we'll see if we can catch a little bit of that beauty that awaits capturing.