As we venture out this week we head to a branch of the Snake River known as Smith's Fork and it runs down a small canyon as it moves slowly along making it a great place for animals of all kinds. Fishermen are along the banks fishing and the sounds of mating geese and other fowl can be heard across the area. Seen as how no new vegetation has yet started to grow, it still has a brown look but with the evergreens (cedar and juniper) as well as sage brush and such, there is a little color to this otherwise dull world. Bald eagles soar overhead and land on the cliffs edges as they rest and await their next meal. The sun comes and goes as small clouds roll overhead and bring warmth and light to these wild places. With the river flowing slowly along and in silence, one could find a great place to just relax and let the world drift by in peace and quiet. The cliffs that are scattered around the area have as many different types of rock and formations as I have seen. From solid rock to small rock packed together and then there are the more lava style and sandstone as well as maybe a bit of limestone as well. Color makes it mark on many and if there is a lack of color, the formation itself makes up for it. The road winds along the river and through groups of trees as it makes it way up the canyon. Old vines hang from every tree as if it is more of a jungle in summer than a forest. I have got to get back this summer to see the vegetation clinging to the trees, rocks and fences. It has got to be just beautiful with the vines covered and the other vegetation that grows in the wetlands along the river. The old cattails from last year still have the fluffy seeds on top or part of and some stand 10 feet tall. I can see how this could be a nesting ground for many water fowl as well as other animals and birds. Food, cover and protection all in a small area making it easy to stay out of sight and out of harms ways. I will try and make it down when the young are out and see if I can catch a few babies whether it be fowl or animal, don't really care, they are all fun to shoot with a camera. On the way home we had to stop by one of my favorite waterfalls, Fall Creek Falls, and see what it had to offer. The sun had set far enough down that shadows lay heavy on the falls but I still had to try and see what I could get. I passed on the flowing water type and went for the freeze type due to lighting and all, and the fact that no matter how you catch it, it is a pretty waterfall and always willing to yield that feeling I get in nature of peace, enjoyment and solitude.
There is plenty to see on this little drive and when you have to be the driver, it makes it hard to see it all unless you stop and look around a lot. Many would think there is nothing there like most places, but the more you look and the deeper one looks, it opens as it always does and there are things that just seem unreal and the beauty folds out the deeper you go and look. I will admit, I used to find really cool things in nature but the more I do photography, the deeper and the more I see, it just fascinates me what there is when you take the time to look and see it. And the more you work with nature, the more it opens up and allows you to see things you never thought you would or could see and be able to photograph even if you don't succeed at first and may never get another chance. the memories that come from the time I spend out with nature, is incomparable to anything except being with my family. And if I want the ultimate, spending time in nature with my family!
So, that was our little adventure and another one for the memory books, but none the less, another great trip out in nature being able to see things and have an enjoyable time just being out and about.
I have many places I really want to hit this spring and through summer, we'll just have to see how it goes and how many I can actually get to. I do have a Lake Barstow trip planned in July, and that little lake, solitude all the way and peaceful, calming and enjoyable every time I've been there, can't wait for another trip.
So hang in there and keep checking back, we have many ideas and plans and we'll just have to see how they come out. Enjoy nature!