So a beautiful day and a chance to get out and do a little photography. Having visited many of the places I like this time of year and thinking that I needed a change, I talked a good friend into taking a little trip for the day with me (it wasn't hard to talk him into it either). We headed out to a small valley west of the Teton Range. When you see pictures of the Tetons, most of them are taken from their eastern side, and well, it was time for something new. From the western side, you can see the tops of the Tetons over some of the mountain that rise above the valley and in one of the canyons, a very good view of the Grand and three other peaks around it.
Today was great because we spent some time finding different places to stop and take a few pictures. We traveled several routes and found some great picture places. But, not only did we get a bunch of places to see them good, but nature smiled upon us as we got to watch clouds build and blow across the range from peak to peak and some of the effects in which the wind blew them, was rather impressive to say the least. At one point, a cloud came from the furthermost southern peak and blew from it all along the range and when it got to the Grand, it blew around it and as it did, it caught a draw and shot up and over park of the peak then curled down into the canyon below. It was a very impressive scene to watch and enjoy.
Throughout the day clouds formed and blew across the faces of the peaks and created some very cool scenes even if these pictures fail to give you the full effect of what all really happened. You can't really see all the peaks in these pictures very well, except in the first picture. You can barely make out the fourth larger peak just over the mountain in the foreground to the right of the other three. In order to see all the peaks, we had to be so far away that they were "hazed" and there wasn't a lot of clarity to them so I only put a few here to give you a taste of the beauty. The closer pictures where cool but even though they have some beauty, the overall picture isn't complete because of the details that were all around. Shooting these shots are hard for me because I enjoy focusing in on parts of the scene and trying to catch the overall scene as well but usually find one or the other occurs for the most part. Today, more singled out details compared to the overall is what I ended up with. I'm not complaining as I got to see it all anyways but, I guess you'll never know what you missed hehe, sorry. Don't sweat it however, I thing the taste I give you here will be worth visiting my blog and hopefully keep you coming back to see what adventure we take next. One never knows how or where we'll end up in the next photo trip, so don't give up, it's bound to keep you in touch with nature and sampling it's little secrets that await the finding.
After all, it won't be long if things staying as they are and spring will be coming with many more options. Baby animals, more options of locations, greener settings, color and much more. If the signs of the animals this winter is anything, I hope we can see some babies this spring unless they go much higher altitudes to have their young. We'll just have to wait and see but that is one of my favorite things to try and capture, baby animals of all sorts and species. A truly enjoyable time when those little fellows can be seen and watched. One time we were out and a mule deer fawn was laying in front of a bushy tree and we came upon it, about 15 yards away and saw it laying there, and it looked at us, got up and walked around the back side of the tree from us and laid back down. Now keep in mind, it was only a day or two old so it was a real sight and treat to watch it half walk, half stumble around the tree and then just lay back down. I chuckled to myself for awhile over that one and we turned and walked away to let it rest in peace. Just one of the so many things nature provide to those who take the time to enjoy.
Well, we'll end this post for now. Make sure you check back regularly to see what adventures we take on as I try to get the perfect photo of nature's secrets to share with all who find comfort, peace or anything else in the beauty that awaits the exploring. I never know where it may lead or what there will be, but I do know it's gonna be loads of fun and worth every minute. So enjoy the pictures and please come back so we can share our next adventure in finding nature's secrets. Don't give up on us, or your bound to miss some fun times and scenery unseen before. Besides, not everyone can sample nature's secrets from the comfort of their chair, in a warm or cooled building, eating, drinking or just relaxing. And, it's my pleasure to do so. Thanks for visiting! See ya soon...
Can't wait to see the babies! They're always my favorite first-sign of spring. I hope you're able to find plenty to share with us.
ReplyDeleteI will do my best... hope to find a little of everything to share with all. Thanks for the comment!