For this photo trip, I headed to a bit different location than I have in the past and was just driving to see what I could find. As we travel down the road, an old homestead with a new windmill sets in a field of snow and sun's rays give it light in the mist of a snow storm that surrounds it. Just one of the peaceful scenes that fill the area.
I have been this route many times when I wasn't picture taking and as I was traveling along, I saw something I have never seen before. As we were driving along, I looked to a small hill area and in a very small distance along the road you can see into a small bowl in the hill. There I saw what looked like a small stucco castle. So we went in to investigate what it was. Being BLM land, we weren't trespassing but wanted, as usual, to obey the law and so finding a way to the place off the main road was something that took a little effort. Travel is only permitted on existing roads and being an area I hadn't spent much time in, well, it took some doing to get to where we wanted to go.
Well we made it and due to the overcast day, pictures weren't as appealing as they could be. So we set out he next day with a bit of sun popping out between snow flurries. We spent a lot more time in the area and found some very interesting formations which shoot out of the ground and tower above the ground below. These "castles" have a formation rather large in size in the middle of this little funnel shaped cove in the hill. Around the sides of the funnel many formations circle main formation in the center. Rocks of all sorts lay scattered all over the ground and in layers in the castle. Red formations of unknown (to me anyways) mineral deposits cover the area and every step give a whole new look to the design and handy work that is nestled into this little pocket.
Holes from water erosion run around along and down through the formation leaving channels that are carved into the formation and one can only wonder what all call this place home or where all these holes end in the earth below as well as inside the great formations. Many make for hole to pear through into the world behind and all that lay behind the formations against the basin walls.
As I mentioned earlier, every step made for a new and different look which lasted over and over again the entire time we walked the area.
after spending quite some time taking pictures and checking out the formations as well as just taking in the overall scene, it was time to head for home and sadly bring this journey to an end.
One can learn a lot from this adventure, because as many times as I have traveled this road, now I find something new and worth seeing which never before had shown itself to me and allowed me to walk among the "castles".